Fairview Kentucky Produce Auction
Auction Sales - Prices To Growers
Provided by: Specialty Crops Market News, 
Federal-State Market News Service, USDA 
Phone: (215) 551-6791  Fax: (215) 336-0355


Fairview Kentucky Produce Auction Summary
Data compiled by: Fairview Produce Auction
Phone: (270) 887-0053


Weather: Mostly Cloudy High 85 Low 68

Other commodities with volumes less than 50 are available but are not included on this report.

                               Volume        Prices        Weighted 
                                           Low     High     Average  
---CANTALOUPES: per melon      
   65-110 count                 4035       .25     1.60       1.07
   130-140 count                 530       .20     1.20        .46
---MISC MELONS: per melon
   Juan Canary                    95      3.25     3.25       3.25
---WATERMELONS: per melon       
   Red Flesh Seeded Type
   25-45 count                   920      1.00     4.25       1.98
   Red Flesh Seedless Type
   30-50 count                  5651       .90     3.65       2.47
   55-90 count                  6525       .35     2.20       1.62

---BEANS: 1/2 bushel carton
   Round Green Type              105     16.00    30.00      21.90   
---CORN-SWEET: per dozen         935      2.10     6.30       3.51
---CABBAGE: per head             240      1.50     1.55       1.54
---CUCUMBERS: 1/2 bushel carton
   large                         153      4.00    19.00      12.04
   Pickles                        54      3.00    28.00      18.85 
---OKRA: per peck                158      4.00    16.00      10.45
---PEAS OTHER: 1/2 bushel carton
   Purple Hull                    67     16.00    19.00      16.94                    
---PEPPERS, BELL TYPE: 1 1/9 bushel carton 
                                 216      8.00    19.00      11.50      
   1/2 bushel carton             133      2.00    15.00       8.85
---PEPPERS, OTHER: per peck   
   Specialty Type                 60      4.00    13.00       7.80
---SQUASH: 1/2 bushel carton
   Zucchini                       96      3.00    23.00      13.94  
   Yellow Type                   183      2.00    18.00       8.61
---TOMATOES: 20 lb carton
   medium, large & extra large   686     10.00    18.00      14.69
    fair quality                 354      7.00    17.00      11.90
   small & ordinary quality Red  333      5.00    14.00       8.72
   Green                          87     10.00    21.00      16.88   
   10 lb carton 
   Heirloom Types                126     16.00    21.00      18.34
   per pint                      621       .35     1.60        .88
   per quart                      98       .75     1.25        .91